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Flooding in Oxford

Further Insurance Premium Increases for Homes at Risk of Flooding

The Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) rate has doubled in just the past few years, with its most recent increase growing from 10% to 12%. With motor, home, pet and health insurance all affected, companies warn that an average family...


NPPF Flood Risk Climate Change Allowances for Planning

If you would like to find out more about how NPPF affects you, Flood Risk Assessment or SuDS then Call 01293 214444, or email   The Government have recently changed how the effects of climate change should be assessed...


Stephen Sykes appointed as Unda Chairman

Unda has appointed environmental entrepreneur, Stephen Sykes, as its first Chairman. Sykes is a Visiting Fellow at Birkbeck’s School of Entrepreneurship and has just been appointed as the new chair of the UK Environmental Law Association. Sykes has a...


Delay in the launch of Drain London interim report

Drainage in London – Delay in the launch of Drain London interim report. Unda learnt last week that The Drain London Interim Report which was expected to be launched back in April 2015 has been delayed until March 2016. The main...


New Planning Guidance: Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS)

If you would like to find out more about SuDS, Flood Risk Assessment or any other related issues then Call 01293 214444, or email   On 6 April 2015, the Government’s new planning policy on eco-friendly sustainable drainage systems...


Paving gardens to driveways – the hidden urban flood risk?

Contact Unda to see how we can assist you. Call our expert Drainage Consultants on 01293 214 444, or email    A tidal wave of grey is sweeping away Britain’s front gardens, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS),...


Election 2015 – Flood Risk and Flood Defence Spending

Election 2015 – Flood Risk and Flood Defence Spending. How do the main political parties intend to tackle the issue of flooding? In the lead up to the 2015 General Election, Unda has reviewed the major political parties’ manifestos with...


Environment Agency flood maps play catch up

After widespread flooding in 1998 of the Godmanchester area of Cambridge where 500 homes and properties were effect, the Environment Agency secured £10m to construct flood defences to protect the town for the next 100 years. A string of...


Election 2015: The Labour Party Manifesto pledges on Flooding

In the lead up to the 2015 General Election, Unda reviews the major political parties’ manifestos with particular focus on how they attend to address the issue of flooding if they come to power.  Pledges concerning their new build...


Election 2015: UKIP Manifesto pledge on managing Flood Risk

In the lead up to the 2015 General Election, Unda reviews the major political parties’ manifestos with particular focus on how they attend to address the issue of flooding if they come to power.  Pledges concerning their new build...



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